Monday, November 28, 2011

The IEO concludes that''there is no evidence of a new eruptive focus in the north of the island''

The IEO concludes that''there is no evidence of a new eruptive focus in the north of the island''

 The latest report by the research vessel Ramon Margalef Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) has concluded that "to date there is no significant evidence of outgassing from volcanic eruption or a new focus in the northern rift the island of El Hierro. "

The report, dated November 19, 2011, contains the latest study physico-chemical-biological deep by Ramon Margalef ship in the north of the island of El Hierro. The main objective has been the detection of the existence of a possible focus or deep fissure eruption in the north.

For this purpose, concentrations were determined in different gases dissolved in the seawater from the first 5 meters above the seafloor to the surface of the ocean.

Some preliminary results that can be drawn from this study are the absence of hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the upper 100 meters above the ocean floor. Also, the pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved CO2 concentration are completely normal for these waters and these depths.

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